Lisfranc Fractures and Injuries - A Guide for patients

This type of injury can occur from a minor misstep, a small twisting injury, or a sports related injury. In some cases, the injury is so subtle that it may be masked on the initial x-rays and the treatment may be delayed.

This injury was historically related to injuries to soldiers on horseback who got knocked out of the saddle but whose foot was stuck in the stirrup. The resulting severe wrenching injury was described by Dr. Lisfranc, a doctor in Napoleon's army.

This injury involves the midfoot, which contains the tarsometatarsal joint. This consists of the joints between the cuneiform bones and the bases of the metatarsals which form the toes. Because of the complex anatomy of this area, Lisfranc injuries can be subtle and difficult to diagnose on plain x-rays.

The key to the diagnosis is increased space between the bones at the base of the first and second toes as shown here.

This complex and disabling injury requires expert care. Orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons have the most training in this area of diagnosis and surgery, and are therefore well equipped to treat Lisfranc fractures. Dr. DeGroot has extensive experience in nonsurgical, normal surgical, and minimally invasive surgical treatment for this injury.

Please contact us if you or someone you know requires care for this type of injury.